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A Few Tips for New Licensees

Most new licensees overthink things as they begin their career. Here’s how to avoid that and get straight to what matters—selling.

I teach and mentor a lot of new licensees and I’ve noticed a few things about them. In the beginning of their careers, a lot of new agents spend a lot of time getting ready to get ready. I’m sure I even did this myself to an extent. Whether they think they need to have a title person or lender in place or they think they need to build out some sort of elaborate referral system, most new agents are overthinking things. Saying you need to do something before you can go out and get business is just a fancy way of making excuses for yourself.

In reality, the only thing you need to do as you begin your career as a licensed agent is just reaching out to the people you know. Send a mass email or Facebook message to inform everyone you know about exactly why you’re now selling real estate. Tell them about your brokerage, your company, and send it out as quickly as possible.

The most important thing is getting the word out.

After that, just start calling people and everything else will fall into place. All you need to “get ready” to go is lead generate. You’re never going to get everything down perfectly from the beginning. It’s a process. When I was starting out, I thought I needed to have a nice camera so I could take good pictures of my listings. Turns out, I actually needed to hire a professional photographer.

You don’t have to know how to do everything right away as a new licensee. All you’ve got to know how to do is get the message out to everyone you know that you’ve started selling real estate. I have a few “announcement” templates I would love to send to you. Just give me a call or send me an email and I’ll send it on over. I look forward to hearing from you!

Why Do You Need Coaching and Mentorship?

In our business, I think it’s imperative to have a coach or mentor at the beginning of your career. Today I want to tell you why.

Today, I wanted to talk about the importance of coaching and mentoring in our business.

In our office, I always tell the new agents to walk around our spacious confines and take note of the people who are up on the boards and scorecards. I tell them to look at those people because a high percentage of them used a coach or mentor at the beginning of their careers.

I personally think it’s imperative to have a mentor, coach, or both for the first six months of your real estate career. Speaking for myself, I need someone to be accountable to. Otherwise, I end up as my own boss and setting my own hours, and that never works. If I have a call with a mentor or coach at 2 p.m. on a Friday in which they’re going to ask for my numbers that I pledged to do for the previous week and I didn’t do them, I’m not going to make any money.

Being your own boss rarely works.

Once I had somebody like that in my career, it was amazing how much quicker my business took off. In our offices, we have both a coaching program and a mentorship program. We also have other kinds of coaching programs. I have two coaches right now, and all of our employees have been through some type of coaching. Some of them even continue to do it.

If you’re new to real estate or thinking about making a change in your career, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a free 30-minute consultation where we can talk about your goals for 2017 and how they can be applied to coaching and mentoring. I look forward to hearing from you!

How to Get Your Real Estate Career Started

If you’re considering a career in real estate because you’d like to be your own boss, you may want to do some research before diving in head-first.

If you’re interested in a career in real estate, the first step is to call a Realtor that is successfully practicing real estate full time and ask them what a day in their life looks like.

The reason that a lot of people get involved in real estate is because they think that they want to be their own boss and set their own hours. These also seem to be the two biggest reasons that people fail.

Why is this? Because these agents then have no accountability. If you get involved in this business without a mentor and a coach, chances are that you are not going to be very successful.

If real estate is a career path that interests you, give me a call and we’ll get some coffee. I’ll give you a copy of the book "The Millionaire Real Estate Agent" and go over it with you. This book is the bible for real estate and lays out, step-by-step, exactly what you have to do to be successful in real estate. I tell people that if they read to the second chapter of the book and they’re not excited about it, they should throw the book away because it’s probably not going to work for them.

There are many real estate career paths other than sales.

Please do a little bit of research before diving into the deep end of real estate. There are actually a wide variety of career paths under the real estate umbrella beyond sales, so it’s important to talk to the people that are on the path you’d like to take.

If you have any questions about determining whether a career in real estate is right for you or you’d like to meet with me, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I’d be happy to help you!